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Among the objects especially prepared for the Cincinnati Exposition which have found a permanent place in the Collection, is a series illustrative of the history of transportation, before the advent of the locomotive, of which the following are worthy of note:
Apache Squaw with carrying basket, (full-size figure), illustrating an aboriginal form of burthen bearing, since known as "toting", by the negroes of the Southern States.
Pack-mule (mounted specimen), illustrating means adopted by early settlers to transport freight across the Allegheny Mountains, the pack-saddle and manner of packing being in accordance with prevailing methods among the mountain "packers".
Ohio River Flat-boat (model). "The Mayflower of the Ohio",. It was upon a similar boat that the earliest settlers journeyed down the Ohio River and disembarked at Marietta.
Steamboat "Orleans", 1812 (model), the first steamboat on the Ohio River. This boat was built