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under the direction of Robert Fulton and Nicholas Roosefelt.

Conestoga wagon, 1785-1830 (model). Wagons of this type were used in the transportation of emigrants and freight from the East, across the Alleghenies to the Ohio and Mississippi Valley.

Stage Coach (model). Type in use between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, in 1825.

Canal Passenger Packet Boat, 1846 (model). Type used on the Pennsylvania Canal, Columbia to Hollidaysburgh, on the through line, Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. Through the courtesy of Mr. Wm. J. Latta Genreal Agent and Mr. F. W. Webb, Foreman of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at Philadelphia, the last three models noted above, were constructed at the Philadelphia Shops, being a reproduction in the miniature of the vehicles and ^canal packet boat exhibited by the Penna. R.R.Co., in the Trades' Parade at the Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Adoption of the Constitution in Philadelphia, October 1887.