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[[underlined]] 1866. [[/underlined]] 
[[three column table]]

Albea W.W. | | 208
Abbott | Bvt Brig. General | 2/210. 225.
Ashford Mrs. |  | 268.
Allston SN.F |  | 269.
Adams | Asst Surgeon. | 272
Allison J.F. | Lt & Asst Supt. | 281. 286. 286. 334. 353.
Avery Elijah | Colored | 302. 355.
Avery Andrew N |  | 302. 375.
Allen George |  | 306.
Anderson Leah |  | 368.
Armstrong S.C. | Supt of c |368.
Archibald W.L. |  | 369.