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Cutler William |Agent | 3:9 35-60-61-62-72 74.76-111
Carle. James | Agent. | 1.10.18 52-64.85.
Compton. C.E. | Bvt. Lieut Col. | Q86.
Canby. ER.S. | Maj Genl. | Q
Cansler Henry |   | 3
Campbell W.C. |   | 6
Chur. Jacob. F | A.AA Genl. |
Carver. Nick |   | 6
Cox F.W. | Capt. 40" Inft | 8
Carthwright. Rev. A. |   | 12
Cobb. Dolby |   | 14.19
Cobb. Pastor |   | 14.19
Carle James | Agent. | 18
Cantwell, Edward | Atty at Law | 18.28
Cowles C.J. |   | 20
Curren J.F. | Agent | 101.
Camon Clayton |   | 24
Cadell Anna |   | 25.70
[[?Conns]] David |   | 35
Comdg. Officer 40th Infr. | 48
Clock, Henry |   | 50
Clements Laura |   | 55
Colgrove John G. |   | 67-
Cansler Perry |   | 67-
Catley. H. | Lieut- | 74-108.111.
Cope. Alex |   | 74-111
Chestnut Abraham |   | 82
Clapp Col D.E. |   | 85.
Cogswell M. | Col. US.A. | 96-106.
Commander Dr. J. |   | 103.
Crotchett Mr. |   | 104
Cotton Irving |   | 113.
Cox CC. |Comr. Pensions Wash. | 114
[[?Choir]] -- |   | 114
Coke & Warren | Surgeons | 119.
Clarke Johny |   | 124.
Castix Hanah |   | 129.
Coats Andrew |   | 137.