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The Hinds, Ketchum Company of Brooklyn, N. Y. have added greatly to the value of the electrical series by depositing a collection of incandescent lamps, switches and other apparatus used in 1881 in one of the earliest electric light plants in America. These relics formed an important part of the Loan Collection at the ^[[Electrical]] Celebration at Providence, in February, 1891, previously alluded to.

In my last report the fact that the original boiler of the historic locomotive "Stourbridge Lion" had been acquired, was mentioned. It gives me pleasure now to state that one of the original cylinders of this locomotive has been deposited by Lindsay and Early of Carbondale, Pa., to whom the Museum is also indebted for the boiler. As before stated "it is the intention to mount the boiler on the original driving wheels, collected in 1888". The accession of the cylinder will make a more complete restoration of this historic locomotive possible.