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[[margin note]] Corrected OEW [[/margin note]]

Patent Centennial Celebration.

     Early in December the plans which had been under discussion for several months for celebrating the beginning of the second century of the American Patent System in a manner commensurate with the vast importance of the interests involved, crystalized by the appointment of a central committee composed of citizens of Washington who were empowered to proceed with the arrangements for the Celebration. Having at the unanimous request of this Committee accepted the general Secretaryship of the organization I proceeded to devote as much time to matters relating to the Celebration as my other duties would permit, feeling that a more intimate acquaintance with the inventors of the Country and those interested in the manufacture of patented articles would result in the extension of ^[[such of]] the Museum collections ^[[as]] relate to the development of the mechanic art.

Transcription Notes:
Initials in margin note uncertain.