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of 500 miles. Edison's motophone is shown in the telephone case.

[[centered]] An Antique Electrical Railroad. [[/centered]]

An antique electrical railway, dating back to 1837, is one of the interesting curios of the collection, attracting a smuch general attention perhaps, as the original telegraph instruments used at the Baltimore end of the line which made S. F. B. Morse and [[double underlined]] Stephen Vail [[/underlined]] famous.

[[centered]] The Growth of Photography. [[/centered]]

A good many people clustered this morning about a big case in the center of the room. The growth of Photographic mechanism was there shown. The first camera ever made in the United States - a plain, clumsy, wooden box bearing the date 1839 - stood alongside two portable tripod cameras of 1890 and looked much more awkward. In the corner is the contract of partnership between Niepce and Daguerre.

On the upper shelf in the same case a brass cylinder fully two feet in height sto od alongside a little scrap of mechanism that could be put in a little boy's vest - and unweildy by contrast. Just below the old camera was the gem of the collection - an original daguerretype of Daguerre. It is in first class condition and is a better picture than many so-called photographers can produce even now. The big cylinder, which is six inches in diameter is a "rapid lens, made in