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A series of models of [[strikethrough]] metal [[/strikethrough]] ^[[steel]] railroad crossties used in Europe, was deposited by [[strikethrough]] Mr. [[/strikethrough]]     ^[[Dr.]] B. E. Fernow, of the Division of Forestry in the Department of Agriculture, who in his official capacity is taking an active interest in the introduction of   metal^[[ic]] ties upon American railroads in order that [[strikethrough]] serious [[/strikethrough]] ^[[the present]] demands shall not continue to be made upon the forests of this Country to supply the wants of railroad builders.

Mr. S. L. Roberts, of the Amboy Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, has added to the collection previously deposited by him, a number of objects illustrating the development of the rail splice. These objects were mainly collected from the old Camden and Amboy Railroad.

The value of the collection of telegraphic apparatus has been greatly enhanced through the enthusiastic co-operation of Mr. George C. Maynard, of Washington, Secretary of the American Association of Inventors and Manufacturers.

During the annual convention of the Old Time Telegraphers Association their loan collection of