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[[strikethrough]] materially strengthened when the Exposition shall close. [[/strikethrough]]

It is indeed a matter of the greatest satisfaction to know that the importan[[overwritten]] t [[/overwritten]] ^[[ce of that]] place in history ^[[which is]] occupied by the record of the development of the methods of inter-communication through which [[strikethrough]] the natural [[/strikethrough]] ^[[our national]] growth has been ^[[so]] greatly accelerated during the century is ^[[thus]] to receive due recognition [[strikethrough]] at the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[. At the]] World's Columbian Exposition, ^[[four years later]] [[strikethrough]] where [[/strikethrough]] ^[[four years later]] a handsome exhibition building containing 250,000 square feet of floor space has been erected, which together with the annex occupies [[strikethrough]] a space [[/strikethrough]] ^[[an area]] over 17 acres [[strikethrough]] in area [[/strikethrough]].
[[left margin]] [[line with arrow stretching from end of second paragraph to beginning to second paragraph]] [[/left margin]]

The ^[[extent of the]] collection[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] ^[[of Transportation Exhibits]] [[strikethrough]] to be therein installed [[/strikethrough]], together with the publications in relation thereto, cannot fail to make a permanent ^[[and World-wide]] impress (both upon the visitors who see and those absent who read), of the magnitude of the influence that the growth of the World's great systems of transportation have had upon the progress of civilization during the four centuries since Columbus embarked in a caravel at Palos.