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Watkins [[underlined]] 1892 [[/underlined]]]]

[[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]]


J. Elfreth Watkins, 
^[[" The]] "Inf[[strikethrough]] luence [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ancy]] of ^[[the]] Mechanic Arts", a paper read before the [[strikethrough]] mechanical [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Engineering]] section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Washington [[strikethrough]] meeting [[/strikethrough]] ^[[City]] August, 1891, an abstract appear[[overwritten]] ed [[/overwritten]] ^[[ing]] in the proceedings of the Association for the year 1891.

J. Elfreth Watkins.
"Importance of Preserving Historical Relics", an address before the joint meeting of the Old-Time Telegraphers Association^[[,]] and the Military Telegraphers Association, ^[[at Washington City]], August 1891, published in the proceedings of the[[strikethrough]] se [[/strikethrough]] Associations for the year 1891.