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was also lent to the Patent Office, for duplication. The locomotive "John Bull" was temporarily reclaimed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and after being overhauled, made successful trip to Chicago, under steam, drawing two passenger cars ^[[ of the type of 1836,]] (See Railroad [[strikeout]] Exhibit [[/strikeout]] Building in the World's Fair grounds, where its peculiar form and antique mechanism attract marked attention. The original bill of lading for shipment of locomotive "John Bull" from Liverpool, dated July 14, 1831, was found among the archives of the Camden and Amboy Railroad,and placed upon exhibition in the building nearby. A reduced facsimile is reproduced above. ([[strikeout]] Text  figure #1[[/strikeout]] ^[[Fig. 1.]] The bill of lading shows that the locomotive was shipped by ship "Allegheny", for Philadelphia, by Francis S. Ogden, agent in England for the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company.

A financial statement rendered that Company by Mr. Ogden, shows that Stephenson and Copmany were paid [[symbol for pound sterling]] 784: 7 [[shilling symbol]] - about $3,800.00 - for this locomotive.

The following extract relating to the locomotive "John Bull", slightly amended, is taken from address delivered by the Curator, upon completion of the railroad Monument at Bordentown, N. J., November 12, 1891:

^[[Smaller type]] "Mr. Robert L. Stevens, President and Chief Engineer of the "Camden and Amboy Railroad Company, while in England in the fall of