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upon the tops of cases, have been [[strikethrough]] installed [[/strikethrough]] ^[[arranged]] on the south [[overwritten]] Wall [[/overwritten]] ^[[wall,]] where they can be seen to better advantage. 
^[[There were 31 entries made in the catalogue of the department during the year, including 37 specimens.]]

[[underlined]] Historical Exhibit of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. [[/underlined]]

It is the purpose of this exhibit to perpetuate the early history of the Pennsylvania Railroad, originally a state work, and of the eastern, western and southern lines merged into or asso^[[cia]][[strikethrough]] r [[/strikethrough]]ted therewith, which were pioneer steam roads in several of the fourteen states in which the 7980 miles comprising this immense system are located. The exhibit was installed in a handsome building ^[[See Plate [[circled]] B [[/circled]])]] of Greek architecture. ^[[It]] contain^[[s]][[overwritten]] ing [[/overwitten]] a well lighted exhibition hall, one hundred feet long and forty feet wide, [[strikethrough]] which was [[/strikethought]] [[circled, line indicating movement to before "it contains"]] erected south of the annex to the Transportation Building. [[/circled]] For ground plan of the exhibit, see [[strikethrough]] Plate B. Fig 2. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Plate [[circled]] C [[/circled]]]]

The exhibit of relics, models, drawings and other illustrations, is divided into ten series, illustrating - 
^[[l.c.]] 1. - The development of the locomotive and rolling stock.
^[[l.c.]] II. - The development of floating equipment.
^[[l.c.]] III. - The development of permanent way, bridges and signals.
^[[l.c.]] IV. - Canal structures.
^[[l.c.]] V. - Relics from the eastern and western lines.
^[[l.c.]] VI. - Seals and charts illustrating the chronological development of corporate consolidation.
^[[l.c.]] VII. - Miscellaneous views, old and contemporary.
^[[l.c.]] VIII. Illustrations of typical industries, located along the eastern and western lines. 
^[[l.c.]] IX. - Models illustrating statistics of traffic, consumption of stores, etc.