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[[centered]] [[double underline]] Labels. [[/underline]]

As this is an international exposition, it was decided to print the labels in five languages, viz. - English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. This made it necessary either to abbreviate some of the longer labels or to set the foreign portion of the labels in type of smaller size than that generally used in Museum practice. The arrangement of the labels required much thought. After several experimental labels had been printed, it was decided that the label heading should appear only in English and the descriptive matter should be printed in the five languages, the English portion being printed in bolder type than the others. The arrangement of one of the shorter labels set in the type used is shown below ^ Fig [[circled and underlined]] 3 [[/circled underlined]] ([[strikethrough]] Text figure 0 [[/strikethrough]])

Foreign visitor, who were questioned concerning this method, stated that the labels were intelligible, notwithstanding the fact that they were unfamiliar with the English language.