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(9) Of the correspondents of the Museum whose cooperation has resulted in enriching the collections under my care, I will name Dr. Francis B. Stevens of Hoboken whose assistance in preparing the drawings for the machinery of the models illustrating the early history of the Steamboat, has been invaluable. ^[["]] Dr. Stevens, a distinguished engineer, now in the eighty-third year of his age, has acquired by observation and practice a fund of information concerning early mechanical history in America of the greatest importance. To have been able to act as the medium for preserving this history through the collections in the U. S. National Museum, I regard as a great privilege. ^[["]]

The Museum is also indebted to Mr. George C. Maynard, the efficient general secretary of several societies with headquarters at Washington organized to preserve the history of electrical and general mechanical inventions; who has been of material assistance in obtaining relics and other objects relating to these subjects in which he takes an enthusiastic interest.

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