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(12) In what direction shall the development of the section of Technological Collections proceed? is a question which demands serious consideration. Relics consisting of tools, machinery and the results of the processes that were used by man in the foundation of many of the arts which have had their beginnings or at least their successful introduction even so late as this century ^[[,]] are as difficult to obtain and assemble as are the remains of extinct species in the domain of natural history. Many of the most valuable of these objects , even if obtainable would be bulky to handle, difficult to install - in fact impossible to accept owing to the limited spece at the command of any department in the Museum.

My experience in installing several large collections during the last three years leads me to advocate more strongly than ever the construction of small models, varying from 1/5 to 1/10 natural size where it is necessary to show the details of machinery,- and from 1/20 to 1/50 full size where form and general proportions only are to be consulted, such as in buildings, ships, &c.

I should recommend then that an earnest effort be made to obtain accurate scale drawings, photographs or other representations of object illustrating the earlier steps in the epochmaking arts - (especially such as have had their birth

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