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[[circled]] 20 [[/circled]]

miscellaneous hummingbirds. [[underlined]] Not [[/underlined]] species I recognize.

6:01 Above 8300 ft. Hear what sounds like Whitestart Song. NODWA. Shuts up.

[[margin in red]] Thalass [[/margin]]
6:10 8400 ft. Reach first, small but real, "AS-Type forest." Hummingbird is Singing. Thalass and/or "first" species heard above Panao. 

[[margin in red]] fenea??? [[/margin]]
Then hear more Whitestart-like Songs downhill. NODWA. (Actually, I can't be sure that these phrases are not uttered by some form of [[underlined]] D. lafresnayei. [[/underlined]] They are Pect-like. But [[underlined]] short. [[/underlined]])

NOTE: This patch of "AS" looks quite "rich." And there still are a lot of bird sounds.

[[margin in red]] Cy [[/margin]]
6:20 Hear presumed Cy Song uphill. NODWA. Far away. But obviously high and thin. Presumably more or less "Southern." Shuts up. Then I hear more presumed Whitestart Song downhill NODWA. Shuts up. 

Patches of fog coming in, occasionally (again) 6:23 am. 

[[margin in red]] Scan [[/margin]]
Some distance further on, hear what sounds like Scan aerial display in distance.

[[margin in red]] Cy [[/margin]]
6:37. 8475 ft. Hear more Cy Song uphill. NODWA. Then see bird. ^[[checkmark above "bird"]] Perched 2 - 3 ft up low thick scrub. Alone. All phrases begin "Tsit tsit." Followed by brief Twitter. Ending with 3 - 4 "Seeeeeeeee" Notes. 

Reach area of sunshine 8650 ft 6:53 am. Birds are definitely quieter now. 

There are [[underlined]] lots [[/underlined]] of [[underlined]] Sporophila luctuosa [[/underlined]] in the mixed bamboo scrub here.