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[[margin in red]] Cy? [[/margin]]
both birds fly away. The whole thing happened so rapidly, and in such bad light, that I couldn't identify the species. But I think it was a Cy.

[[margin in red]] Cy Thalass [[/margin]]
A few seconds later, see ^[1 black check mark above]adult Cy, definitely alone, feeding in scrub, 2 - 3 ft. up. [[underlined]] On same purple flowers as Thalass earlier this mroning!!![[/underlined]] Cy also Sings. NODWA.

[[margin in red]] Cy, Brun, Scan, Thalass  [[/margin]]
COMMENT: Cy and Brun territories are [[underline]] at least[[/underlined]]adjacent here. And both seem to be overlapped by [[underlined]]both Thalass and Scan territories.[[/underlined](I think that Scan and Thalass territories overlap one another-at least partially)

7:13. Hear more Whitestart-like Songs downhill. NODWA. Then I see ^[2 black check marks above] pair of Whitestarts (definite) 10 - 12 ft up in second growth trees. Fly catching. Definitely alone.

[[margin in red]] Brun, Cy, Scan? [[/margin]]
7:16. Hear who burst of Brun-like R;s and accelerated Twitters coming from very low in scrub. Catch brief glimpses ^[two black check marks above] 2 birds flitting about. One seems to have TV with belly fluffing (can't see position of bill and head). Then Cy flits into adjacent bush! Then [[underlined]]Cobbri[[?]][[/underlined]](probably Scan) approaches. then all birds fly away in different directions.

[[margin in red]] Brun, Cy, [[/margin]]
So Cy and Brun territories are at least partly overlapping here. And they certainly are not stratified at this particular spot. Vegetation is too low here to permit stratification!

7:28 Wind getting a little stronger now.

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]]
7:33 Some yards up path, see single ^[1 black check mark above] adult Brun. Perched at least 2 ft up bamboo scrub. Singing NODWA. All songs pure Twitters.