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[[circled]] 2 [[circled]]  [[circled]] 40 [[circled]]

The local thrush here seems to be darker of the 2 (?) dark Andean thrushes that I have seen in many places.  Head almost black.  Bill and legs coral - orange.  Same color eye ring, rather thin, not conspicuous at distance in the field.  I shall call this species "the Black Thrush".  Its scientific name is [[short blank line]].

There are at least 4 or 5 individuals of this species here.  Not gregarious.  One bird follows & chases another for several minutes.  Apparently hostile.

6:35 am. Catch a glimpse of ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 Fire-bellies moving thru scrub.  Apparently alone

Fog lifting somewhat

Then see single ^[[1 check mark above]] Atlapetes XXXVIII.  In scrub not far from where the Fire bellies first appeared, but apparently alone

Going further down

[[margin in red]] Brun [[/margin]] 
6:50.  See a single [[underlined]] Diglossa carbonaria [[/underlined]] ssp, [[underlined]] apparently pure Brunn [[/underlined]]. fly along bushes just at the outskirts of Unduavi itself.  10,525 ft. Then hear the same or another bird sing. Apparently no R components 

[[margin in red]] CC [[/margin]]
Then see a single ^[[1 check mark above]] CC in garden near house

A couple of dark thrushes near the village may be some (or the) other species - not the Black.

Then see another single Atlapetes ^[[1 check mark above]] XXXVIII  In scrub Possibly following a single Andean Sparrow, but I doubt it.

Yes!  The thrushes around here [[underlined]] are [[/underlined]] a different species.  Sooty brown above, relatively dark on head and throat, [[underlined]] quite [[/underlined]] light dull brown on breast and belly.  Look larger than Black Thrushes.  Bill & legs orange.  Apparently no eye-ring.  I shall call this "the Brown Thrush"

Single birds and pairs of Brown Thrushes around here.  Obvious