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[[circled]] 79 [[/circled]] 
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Below the Bl & Or Stripe, in same tree, is a single Montane ^[[1 check mark above]] GMT. About 6 feet away. Feeding quietly. Bl & Or Stripe once stops DC briefly to approach GMT. But then goes back to perch and starts DC again.

About 30 ft away, in thick scrub, are [[underlined]] 4 [[/underlined]] Basileuterus XLI Uttering lots of R's. There are like the R's of the Bl & Or Stripes, but apparently never end with an elaborate flourish. Sometimes just end simply. Sometimes decelerates at very end (this may produce a [[?]] terminated "Zeeza". The Basileuterus XLI also tend to repeat their R's one right after the other more frequently than do the Bl & Or Stripes - I think.

Then Basileuterus XLI apparently engaged in boundary dispute. Eventually fly across road. Into trees about 20 ft from the DC-ing Bl & Or Stripe and the Montane GMT. The XLI's do lots of flying back & forth. Lots more R's. Also lots of hoarse, loud "chaa" or "chah" notes. Both the Bl & Or Stripe and the GMT eventually [[underlined]] join [[/underlined]] the XLI's at separate times (ie. not following one another).

The XLI dispute eventually breaks up. Birds fall silent. And both the Bl & Or Stripe and the GMT drift off ([[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] together).

ADDITION: When I first saw the XLI's, there was a ^[[2 check marks above]] pair of Firebellies in same scrub, about 6 ft away. Both Firebellies flew off a long distance. With PN's. None of the other birds in the area showed any tendency to follow them

After leaving the XLI's, the Bl ^[[1 check mark above]] & Or Stripe went back to uttering DC. From several small trees near the one from which he sang first. Same notes & posture as before. Finally stopped 6:35. This species certainly continues to utter DC for a comparatively [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] long time!