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[[circled]] 116 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 152 [[/circled]]

I am rather surprised to find so many mixed flocks here now. Or, rather, to find such a difference between the behavior of the birds now and the behavior of the same birds during my last visit. Why are there seasonal differences in gregariousness in some areas and not in others? Does it have anything to do with T° differences between seasons????

March 4, 1964
Nr. Unduavi

Going to work in same area, below Unduavi, again this morning 

Arrive 6:25 am, after being delayed by fog on the road Just about light when we arrive. Overcast, but weather doesn't look too bad on the whole

Some Dawn Chorus Whitestart BCBT R's? [[underlined]] A. torquatus? [[/underlined]]

7:00 am. See a single Gray breasted Thrush alone. Definitely has then yellow eye ring.

See a ^[[1 check mark above]] single Whitestart alone

See a pair ^[[2 check marks above]] pair BCBT's in low scrub alone. Same place where pair seen yesterday. Five minutes later, see same birds further on. Still alone

Everything [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] quiet 7:15 am.

See pair of Gray breasted Thrushes alone (they look quite light brownish on back)

7:23. See a single [[underlined]] A. ^[[1 check mark above]] rufinucha [[/underlined]], definitely alone, flying from tree to tree in area scattered second-growth. Uttering "Tuk" Notes.

[[margin in red]]Brun [[margin]]
 See a single ^[[1 check mark above]]  Brun alone. In hedge near farm.

[[margin in red]] Cy [[margin]]
7:40. See mixed flock ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]], ^[[1 check mark above]] 1 Cy, and ^[[1 check mark above]] 1 Brun. In low scrub where Cy sang earlier this morning. SEE TODAY'S NOTES ON MIXED DIGLOSSINI. All 3 species apparently feeding on or in clusters red flowers