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[[circled]] 125 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 161 [[/circled]]

Nothing new - with the possible exception of an indication that a juvenal P. Gayi may have been following an adult P. [[?]].  In scrub 4 - 8 ft above ground. 

March 10, 1964

Going to work same place today as yesterday. Arrive 5:50 a.m. Still dark. Some cloud and fog, but less than yesterday at the same time. 


Walking around the streets of Calacoto this afternoon

4:15 pm See single [[underlined]] Gayi [[/underlined]] alone

See a single, presumably juvenile, thrush. Dart sooty brown all over. Dark bill & legs. No eye ring. Then see pair of adults, nearby. Presumably parents Apparently brown species. Bright legs, bill & eye ring.

Catch a glimpse of what looks like a gray-breasted thrust

More thrushes alone. Also single Orange bill Another.

See a group of about 5 brownish thrushes more or less together in garden. Species unidentified.

Also see an adult Orange bill feeding a full grown juvenile

Another pair [[underlined]] P. gayi [[/underlined]] alone

Everything quite like La Paz - Obrajes in fact!

Leaving 5:30 pm.


Are mixed flocks always absent where Orange-bills occur?? Are they always absent where [[underlined]] bonariensis [[/underlined]] occur???