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Clarke, Gilmore D. 1213, 1240, 1266, 1294
Collins, Henry B. 1219
Columbia-Snake River Basin 1275
Commemorative Stamp 1233
Committees - 
  Centennial celebration 1217
  Executive, 1207, 1209
  Permanent, 1207
  Future Policies, 1204, 1205
Compton, Dr. A.H. 1204, 1225, 1251, 1258, 1278
Cooper, Dr. G. Arthur 1222, 1273
Cox, E. E. 1203, 1212
Custis, Nelly 1289

Dahlgreen, Charles W. 1222
Davis, Dr. Harvey N. 1203, 1225, 1257, 1260, 1278
Davis, Malcolm 1272
Deignan, Herbert S. 1271
Delano, Frederic A. 1203, 1204, 1207, 1225, 1228, 1258, 1259, 1260
Diamonds, classification of in Japan 1255
Director, National Museum, appointment of 1283
Dunkle, David H. 1273

Edgell, George H. 1266
Eisenhart, Dr. L. P. 1204, 1247
Endowment portfolio 1282
Engineering and Industries Building 1212