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base of the operations described in the last annual report of said committee, with full discretion on the part of the Secretary as to items of expenditures properly falling under each of the heads embraced in the established conduct of the Institution.

The Chancellor informed the Board that he had the melancholy duty to perform of announcing the death, yesterday, of Dr. PETER PARKER, who had been for many year a Regent of the Institution and chairman of its Executive Committee.

On motion of Dr. Angell, it was resolved that the Executive Committee prepare resolution relative to the death of Dr. Parker.

Dr. Welling, of the Executive Committee, presented the following resolutions, which were adopted:

Whereas the Board has received the afflictive intelligence that the venerable Dr. PETER PARKER, who, for sixteen years, was a member of the Board of Regents, and who for this whole period served with fidelity on its Executive Committee, has departed this life after a long career filled with useful labors in the service of God and of man: Therefore, be it

Resolved, That in retrospect of such a life-career, protracted as it was beyond the limits usually allotted to men, and at each stage of its progress dedicated to the beneficent works in the cause of religion, philanthropy, and science, we desire to testify our respect for the exalted worth and scrupulous conscientiousness which Dr. Parker brought to the discharge of every duty, and which, during his connection with the government of this Institution, were nobly exemplified, by the zeal and diligence with which he ever watched and worked for its prosperity and usefulness, even during the later period of his honorable service, when the burden of years was added to the burden of his official cares, and when with a less conscientious sense of public duty he might have claimed an exemption from the tasks of life.

Resolved, That since the retirement of our departed colleague from the membership of this Board we have continues to follow him with the grateful recollections inspired by the association of this council-chamber, as well as with a reverent respect for the Christian patience with which he bore the infirmities of advancing age and the unfaltering Christian hope with which he awaited "the inevitable hour" in full assurance of immortality.

Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Board, and that the Secretary of the Institution is hereby requested to transmit a copy of them to the family of out late colleague.

On motion, the Board then adjourned sine die.