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Also present were Assistant Secretaries James Bradley, Sidney R. Galler, and Charles Blitzer; William W. Warner, Acting Assistant Secretary; T. Ames Wheeler, Treasurer; and John Dobkin, Executive Assistant to the Secretary.

The unusual circumstance of not having the statutory quorum of five Members of the Board of Regents was overcome by Mr. Bow's telephone call to offer his proxy to Mr. Haskins ^[[handwritten check mark over "Haskins"]]. This has been validated by the receipt of Mr. Bow's proxy in writing.^[[Bow]] It has been suggested that such an instance could be eliminated by having, in hand, a proxy from the Members of the Board of Regents. An appropriate form will be prepared and sent to the Regents for their consideration.

[[underlined]] Report of the Executive Committee (Permanent Committee) [[/underlined]]
Mr Haskins ^[[handwritten check mark over "Haskins"]], Chairman (ad interim), announced that the Executive Committee met with the Secretary on November 4, 1969, in the office of Senator Anderson. He summarized the report of the Committee which follows in unabridged form.