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^[[Nov 5 '69]]

[[centered on page]] [[underlined]] Report of the Chairman (ad interim) of the Executive Committee (Permanent Committee) of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution at the meeting on November 4, 1969. [[/underlined]] [[/centered on page]]

The Executive Committee (Permanent Committee) met in Senator Anderson's office on November 4, 1969, at 4 p.m. Present were:

Dr. Caryl P. Haskins, Chairman (ad interim) of the Executive Committee ^[[handwritten check mark over "Committee"]];

Senator Clinton P. Anderson, Member of the Executive Committee; ^[[handwritten in right margin]] Anderson [[/handwritten in right margin]]

Mr. S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution;

Mr. James Bradley, Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution.

The Committee Recommended approval by the Board of Regents of a motion to recognize that the mail ballot has elected the Honorable Warren E. Burger as Chancellor of the Smithsonian ^[[handwritten in right margin]] Burger [[/handwritten in right margin]] Institution.

A memorandum on the duties of the ^[[underlined by hand] Chancellor [[/underlined by hand]] and the ^[[handwritten arrow in right margin pointing to paragraph]] Executive Committee (Permanent Committee) was presented by the Secretary, as follows.