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that a decision on construction would be deferred until some future date. It is quite possible that the strong personal interest of the President might result in his approval of this extraordinary appeal.

The Committee recommended the following motion:

VOTED that the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution recognizes the intense interest of the American people in the national air and space programs and in the historic flight of Apollo 11 to the moon and return. The Regents recognize that by Public Law 89-509 the Nation's Air and Space Museum is authorized to be constructed on the Mall on a site designated by Act of Congress. The Regents further recognize that because of substantial increases in construction costs, the building as now designed should be scaled down from its present level of $65 million to a cost level not to exceed $40 million. The Regents, therefore, most respectfully and most urgently request that the President include in his budget for the fiscal year 1971 an amount of        $2 million to finance the necessary redesign of this great education and exhibition center for out air and space exploration.

[[underlined]] National Zoological Park [[/underlined]]

The appropriation for operating the National Zoological Park has been proposed by the Bureau of the Budget to be transferred from the District of Columbia to the Smithsonian Institution. The purpose of the transfer is to relieve the District of costs that are considered not properly chargeable to the City's revenues. The Zoo's operating budget is estimated to require $3.4 million in fiscal year 1971. Since the founding of the Zoo in 1890 under the direction of the
