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The Committee recommended the following motion:

VOTED that the Board of Regents agrees that appropriations for the operation and maintenance of the National Zoological Park should be included under the Smithsonian Institution but the Regents consider that due to the demands for appropriations for capital improvements at the National Zoo, the transfer of the operating appropriation to the Institution does not appear to be appropriate at this time. Further consideration to the assumption of the operating appropriations will be appropriate upon the substantial completion of the capital improvement program. 

The Secretary recalled that he had submitted testimony to the Senate Finance Committee highlighting the negative effects the House bill would have on the Smithsonian. While most of the provisions of the legislation did not directly affect the Institution, there could be an adverse impact on the Institution as a beneficiary of individual and corporate donations and of private foundation grants.

The Secretary felt that the Smithsonian was in the nature of a foundation operating under Congressional authorization and that it was appropriate that a statement be made.

The Secretary has been in touch with representatives of several foundations, indicating the Smithsonian's willingness to cooperate in receiving grants of funds, securities or other holdings, to carry out the purposes of such foundations if it becomes necessary for such foundations to divest themselves of such assets.
