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[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 169 Peucedanum simflex  On the way to camp 5   Aug 10 /93

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 170 Salix Barclayi, Anders.   Camp 5   Aug. 10. 

[[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 171 Claytonia Chamissonis Esch  near Yellowstone lake Aug 11 /93

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 172 Juncoides parviflorum Coville  Aug. 11. 

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] 173 Aconitum Columbianum Nutt. 

174 Abies subalpina   East of the Divide   Aug 9  not very common see cones

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 175 Carex aurea, Nutt.  National Park  Aug 12  In the swamps

[[red checkmark]] [[blue checkmark]] 176  Cnicus Hookerianus Gray. 

[[red checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] [[blue checkmark]] 177  Gilia linearis Gray

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 178 Erigeron armeriaefolius Turcz.

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 179  Senecio lugens var. foliosus G.

[[blue checkmark]] [[red checkmark]] 180 Senecio Fremonti T & G.     Aug 13  Alpine peaks