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Sawflies ret. by R.C.L.P. 15/12/32.

Taken by A.W.S. continued

[[2 checkmarks]] [[underlined]] Pachynematus obductus [[/underlined]] v. [[underlined]] conductus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Ballinlough, WH. 29.5.32.
[[2 checkmarks]] [[underlined]] Lygaeonematus abietina [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]. S. of Cusheustown, on Spruce (?), WX. 15.5.32.
[[2 checkmarks]] Pristiphora [[/underlined]] sp. E. of Ballyanne, WX. 15.5.32.
[[2 checkmarks]] Amauronematus [[/underlined]] cf. [[underlined]] leucolenus [[/underlined]] Kon. [[female symbol]]. Nelson's Bridge, WX. 14.5.32
[[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Hoplocampa chrysorrhoea [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]], on blackthorn, E. of Ballyanne, WX.  15.5.32.

[[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Pontania [[/underlined]] spp. ? 2 [[2 male symbols]], (on Salix ?)., E. of Ballyanne, WX. 15.5.32.
" " [[Dittos for: Pontania spp.]] 1 [[female symbols]], Nelson's Bridge, WX. 14.5.32. 
" " [[Dittos for: Pontania spp.]] small [[female symbol]]. Ashdown Forest (?), Sussex ? Em. 18.5.32
(larvae on Salix 5.10.31, or on food plants from Coomb, Surrey, or Dublin a few days later!).