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Sawflies returned by Dr. Perkins with list & letter dated 27/1/1933 & letter dated 31/1/1933.
[[underlined]] Miss Scott's collecting. [[/underlined]]
X [[underlined]] Monophadnus pallescens [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Powerscourt, WI. 1.6.32. Miss Scott.
X [[underlined]] Pristiphora pallidiventris [[/underlined]] v. [[underlined]] denudata [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. near Mountrath, QC. 25.5.32 Miss Scott.

[[line across page]]

A.W.S's collecting.
X [[underlined]] Pachynematus rumicis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Cranfield, Co. DO. 23.7.1931. AWS.
X [[underlined]] Pontania leucaspis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Clara, WI. 5.6.32.
X [[underlined]] P. leucosticta [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]] Ballylug, WI. 5.6.32.
X [[underlined]] Blennocampa subcana [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]. Liffey Head, WI. 7.6.32.
X [[underlined]] B. tenuicornis [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] " " " ". [[dittos for: Liffey Head, WI. 7.6.32.]]
X [[underlined]] Empria Klugi [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]. Kippure Lodge, WI. 7.6.32.
X " " [[Dittos for: Empria Klugi]] [[female symbol]]. " " " " . [[Dittos for: Kippure Lodge, WI. 7.6.32.]]
X " [[Ditto for: Empria]] [[underlined]] excisa [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] " " " " . [[Dittos for: Kippure Lodge, WI. 7.6.32.]]
X [[underlined]] Selandria furstenburgensis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Slade Brook, DU. 12.6.32, P.M.
X [[underlined]] Pontania leucosticta [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] " " " " [[Dittos for: Slade Brook, DU. 12.6.32]], P.M.
X [[underlined]] Pristiphora pallidiventris [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] " " " " [[Dittos for: Slade Brook, DU. 12.6.32]], P.M. 
X [[underlined]] Empria excisa [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] " " " " [[Dittos for: Slade Brook, DU. 12.6.32]], A.M.
X? [[underlined]] Euura saliceti [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] var. " " " " [[Dittos for: Slade Brook, DU. 12.6.32]], P.M.
X " " " [[Dittos for: Euura saliceti]] [[male symbol]] " " " " [[Dittos for: Slade Brook, DU. 12.6.32]], A.M.
X [[underlined]] Pristiphora quercus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]. " " " " [[Dittos for: Slade Brook, DU. 12.6.32]], A.M.
X [[underlined]] Hoplocampa rutilicornis [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Powerscourt Dpk., WI. 27.5.32.
X [[underlined]] Empria immersa [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. Slade Brook, DU. 12.6.32, both, A.M.
X [[underlined]] Pontania leucosticta [[/underlined]], very large [[male symbol]]. " " " " [[Dittos for: Slade Brook, DU. 12.6.32, both]], A.M.
X [[underlined]] Pristiphora pallidiventris [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Glenmacnass, WI. 17.6.32.

Transcription Notes:
Changed [[underlined]] for [[Dittos for: Liffey Head, WI. 7.6.32.]] in the 5th entry under A.W.S. collection. Otherwise looks good to go.--thomasc Corrected Glenmacnan to Glenmacnass. Agree that otherwise looks good to go too. Thanks for the reviewing thomasc! --@siobhanleachman