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27th April 1932. A dull afternoon after a fine morning, due to approaching depression : warm in shelter but windy (SE) in open; few insects out. Bohernabreena, Co. DU. 
1 = bluffs below chapel. 2. slopes opposite Mrs. Doyle's below 1st reservoir. 
[[underlined]] Bombus terrestris, lucorum, agrorum & jonellus [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] seen.
[[underlined]] Andrena gwynana [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] on dandelion at 2.
[[underlined]] Halictus [[/underlined]] ( [[underlined]] albipes [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] freygessneri [[/underlined]]) 1 [[female symbol]] on dandelion or daisy at 2.
Exephanes occupator ? 2 [[2 female symbols]] beaten off willows at 2.
[[underlined]] Orthocentrus radialis [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]] beaten off willows at 1.
Campoplegid sp. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]], [[underlined]] in cop. [[/underlined]] beaten off willow at 1.

Swallows, House & Sand Martins abundant flying over the Dodder at 1!
[Corncrake heard at Harold's Cross, DU, on [[strikethrough]] 31/5/32 [[/strikethrough]] 30/4/32 at 8 pm.
[[line across page]]
1st May 1932. A fine day, but dull with heavy misting clouds & SE wind in morning; clearing about 2 pm, after which there was considerable sun.
Drove, with Palmer, to Killadreenan, [[insertion]] ^ Co. WI [[/insertion]] & stopped to investigate marsh & old sandpit a little west of Newcastle Church, where also is a very nice swampy side channel, full of Salix, draining into foot of the Killadreenan channel.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1.5.32 cont.
Newcastle - Killadreenan, Co. WI. 12-12.30 noon
One blink of sun!
[[underlined]] Bombus terrestris [[/underlined]] (George!), [[underlined]] B. lucorum, B. agrorum, B. lapidarius. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Andrena albicans [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]]
[[underlined]] Attractodes tenebricosus [[/underlined]] ? [[female symbol]] swept in marsh.
Campoplegid [[female symbol]] beaten off Blackthorn in flower!

[[line across page]]
1.5.32 cont. Drove on to Deputy's Pass, Co. WI.
Deputy's Pass, WI, 1.30 till 5.0 p.m.
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum, agrorum, muscorum [[/underlined]] (Palmer!). [[2 female symbols]].
[[underlined]] Psithyrus distinctus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Vespa vulgaris [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Salius [[strikethrough]] fuscipes [[/strikethrough]] fuscus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] (Palmer!)
[[underlined]] Andrena praecox [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] (Palmer!). [[underlined]] A. albicans [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]].
[[underlined]] A. lapponica [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] seen. [[underlined]] A. jacobi [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] abundant at laurel
[[underlined]] A. minutula [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] seen, 1 [[female symbol]] taken.

[[underlined]] Sphecodes divisus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] in "garden".
Antaeon ? sp.? 1 [[male symbol]] beaten off holly or hazel after "tea".