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Stockholm May 5th, 1932.
Dear Mr Stelfox

I am a little late with your list but the box arrived when I had just lost my old mother [[insertion]] ^ (aged 84) [[/insertion]], so there were other things to think about for some time. Now that I am alone your specimens have been a useful recreation in the evenings. Many thanks for your kind permission to keep them all. After having very soon broken one Glypta in looking at it, I put almost all specimens on new pins. All arrived in prime condition. 

At the beginning I must give you credit for your good naming. The yellow Ichneumon [[2 male symbols]] are not easy, but you have succeeded with almost all. From my point of view the most interesting one of them is Amblyteles longigena Thm, of which Schmiedekn. evidently has a very hazy idea, for it is only in a note appended to his key. It is always to be recognized ([[male symbol]] [[female symbol]]) by the transverse impression of the scutellum [[image]] and the red tip of the hind femora, but the color of the scutellum varies [[male symbol]] [[female symbol]] from yellow to black. In Asia I have recognised it from Kamtchatka. Another interesting specimen is your Ambly. crispatorius L., where the yellow propodeum is very conspicuous in contrast with the dull red abdomen. I have only 1 [[female symbol]] (Upsala) with such a dark