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List of Ichneumonidae given to Dr. Roman April 1932 with his remarks.
1-4 [[underlined]] Glypta nigrotrochanterata [[/underlined]]. 1 [[male symbol]] (? this sp.), 3 [[two female symbols]].
from Cappoquin, Co. WA. 15.8.28. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]
Kilcarry, Co. CW. 5.8.30. 2 [[two female symbols]].
The [[male symbol]] no doubt correct. The same proportions of abd. & colour of legs. A melanistic var., but w. yellow stigma. Coxae, troch.s & abd. quite black.
5-8. [[underlined]] G. "rostrata" [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 male symbols]], 2 [[2 female symbols]]. Herdstown, Co. DO. 1.8.31.
Glypta bicornis Boie (rostrata Hgn), melanistic var. without frontal horns.
9-15. G. mensurator 2 [[2 male symbols]] (? this sp.), 5 [[2 female symbols]].
From Kilcarry, Co. CW. 6.8.29 1 [[male symbol]]
" " [[dittos for: Kilcarry, Co. CW.]] 5.8.30 2 [[2 female symbols]].
Rathdrum, Co. WI. 13.7.26. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]].
" " [[dittos for: Rathdrum, Co. WI.]] 13.7.29. [[female symbol]].
Fenagh, Co. CW. 1927. [[female symbol]]. [[insertion]] I see no reason to doubt the [[2 male symbols]]. [[/insertion]]
The same sp. as no's 1-4, but w. shorter ter. Resembles very much Gl. crassitarsis Thm, which has the ter. still a little shorter. Probably all are vars. of G. mensurator F.
16-17. [[underlined]] Melanichneumon perscrutator [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. Rathdrum, Co. WI. 6.8.25.
18. " [[ditto for: Melanichneumon]] [[underlined]] sanguinator [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]. Upper Liffey, Co. WI. 2.9.27.
19. [[underlined]] Stenichneumon defraudator [[/underlined]] (v. of [[underlined]] castaneus [[/underlined]]) [[female symbol]].
Clara, Co. WI. 23.11.30. Under bark of log!
S. castaneus Gr. w. white tip of scut. Your specimen has the femora more black than in Sweden, where they are sometimes quite red. The white scutellar tip occurs in Sweden too, but is probably commoner southwards.