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[[underlined]] Ichneumon zonalis [[/underlined]] ? [[male symbol]]. Cranfield. 23.7.31.
" [[ditto for: Ichneumon]] [[underlined]] suspiciosus [[/underlined]] ? [[male symbol]]. Kilmalin 29.7.23.
" [[ditto for: Ichneumon]] [[underlined]] extensorius [[/underlined]] ? 2 [[2 male symbols]]. Herdstown. 1.8.31.
[[underlined]] Habrocryptus [[strikethrough]] porre [[/strikethrough]] minutorius [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]. 24.7.29.
" [[ditto for: Habrocryptus]] [[underlined]] porrectorius [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]. 19.7.29.
[[underlined]] Acroricnus macrobatus [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] } Clara. 8.6.26 [[male symbol]]. 12.7.26 [[female symbol]].
[[underlined]] Aphanistes ruficornis [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]. Glenmore, WA. 29.7.28.
[[underlined]] Agrypon stenostigma [[/underlined]] ? [[male symbol]]. Kilcarry. 6.8.29.
Schizoloma capitatum [[male symbol]], 2 [[2 female symbols]]. Monkstown, MC. 1927.
Leptopygus harpurus 2 [[2 male symbols]]. "PineHill", Mourne. 20.7.31.
Cremastus geminus [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. Kilgorman. 20.8.25.
Homotropus pictus ? [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. Harold's X, 12.6.31 [[male symbol]]. 8.7.31 [[female symbol]].
" [[ditto for: Homotropus]] pectoratorius 2 [[2 male symbols]]. Donaghadee, 4.8.31.
[[underlined]] Thersilochus [[/underlined]] ? sp? [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]]. Portrane, 30.8.31.
Plectiscus (cf tener Först) Devil's Glen. 26.10.30.
[[underlined]] Chorinaeus cristator [[/underlined]] [[Downs?]]. 1.7.31.
" [[ditto for: Chorinaeus]] [[underlined]] flavipes [[/underlined]]? Donaghadee. 2.8.31.
" [[ditto for: Chorinaeus]] "longicornis". Clara. 19.5.29.
Ophion mocsaryi ([[test?]] Johnson). [[Restren?]]. 31.5.31.
Exochus prosopius Rathdrum 6.8.25.
" [[ditto for: Exochus]] pictus Powerscourt Dm. 10.9.30.
" [[ditto for: Exochus]] sp. Bellevue. 23.8.31.
[[underlined]] Orthocentrus [[/underlined]] 4 on card. E. of Scalp. 29.11.31. On ivy.

Transcription Notes:
"Kilmalin" may be a misspelling of "Kilmallin", in Co. Wicklow.