Viewing page 116 of 162

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Kieffer's table
1 { Keul der Ant 7. [[glieding?]] Hazel
glas. helt, Adern schwarz; Beine ockw.
an der Gelenken pechbraun = [[underlined]] N. labsphila [[/underlined]] 7.
K. 5 glieding [[line]] = 2

2 { Du. 3 glied du ant. mehrals 2 mal so lang wie das 4. = subaptua Wk
3 glied nur 1 1/2 mal so lang aig das 49  - [[underlined]] maritima [[/underlined]] T.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

* To [[line]]
Please note and return this paper to me with your remarks, if any, and in the case of Loans or Gifts with the usual receipt or Thank form.

Chief Clerk and Second Officer.
Date [[line]]
To the Chief Clerk.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure about pencil writing. I've done my best.