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[[underline]][[Mrs Robert?]][[/underline]]]]  [[circled]]1[[/circled]]

   U. S. National Museum
   Washington. January 31st 1883
G. Brown Goode Esq.
Curator Department of Art & Industries
U.S. National Museum
  I beg to submit my report of the division under my charge for the month of January 1883, referring to certain annexed memoranda for details - as follows, Viz:
[[underline]] A. [[/underline]] Entries in Catalogue of New Specimens.
[[underline]] B. [[/underline]] Description and Installation of Specimens, both old and new.
[[underline]] C. [[/underline]] Preparation of Labels.
  Following the suggestion made by you, I strongly recommend publishing, in the Proceedings of the Museum, the invoices received from the different collectors, both those who are understood to be regular collectors and those who may occasionally send collections accompanied by an invoice, with such editorial remarks as may be deemed