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Additions to the technical staff - 

November 1, 1936   Donald B. Cordry
December 7, 1936   Joseph Braun

Resignations - 

January 31, 1937   Joseph Braun

Office staff - 

Miss Rose Tannenbaum was added for a temporary period and served from May 1st until July 26th.

Building staff - 

On January 30, 1937 Charles Mauger, our day watchman, died suddenly. Appointed to that position on September 1, 1925 he had served the Museum faithfully and conscientiously for those many years.

Additions - 

October 15, 1936    John D. Miller, Door Man

February 2, 1937    Charles J. Mauger, Day Watchman

February 19, 1937   John Braun, Door Man

Resignations -

November 1, 1936    James Spalding, Door Man

February 15, 1937   John D. Miller, Door Man

Dr. Bruno Oetteking remains as curator of the Physical Anthropological Department, without salary.