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should find it to be for the best interests of the Museum and of special benefit to the public so to do.

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on October 7, 1941. The Board adopted at this meeting a formal minute recognizing Dr. Louis Faugeres Bishop's valued services as a member of the Board and extending the Board's sympathy to his family.

An additional appropriation of $121. was made for the purpose of erecting an iron fence around the Totem Pole as erected in the court.

The Board likewise discussed at length the policy of the Institution as regards publications and while recognizing the desirability of continuing the making of publications, even on a very limited scale, the Board was not prepared in view of the financial situation to authorize the expenditure of any funds at that time.

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on December 2, 1941. At this meeting the Chairman reported receipt of a gift from Mr. Wenner Gren of the Bahamas of an important collection of ethnological material from the area about the boundary line between Brazil and Peru.

The Chairman also submitted to the meeting a request from Stephen H. P. Pell, President of the American Numismatic Society, requesting a loan of some wampum belts and allied material for an exhibition planned by that Society of various types of money. After consideration the requested loan was authorized.

A regular meeting of the Trustees was held on February 3, 1942. At this meeting was submitted an account of the United States Trust Company of New York, as Trustee under a trust created by George G. Heye under date of April 1, 1923 for the benefit of this Institution, covering the period from June 1, 1923 to May 7, 1941. Attached to said account was an agreement of release, dated January 13, 1942, executed by George G. Heye and prepared for execution by this Institution. After examination of the account and release and upon the recommendation of the Treasurer and advice of counsel a resolution was adopted accepting and approving the account and authorizing the Vice-Chairman to execute the release in