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[[underlined]] SUMMARY. [[/underlined]]

Frauds ..... 5
Lithographs ..... 1
Maps ..... 1
Mast ..... 1
Negatives ..... 1
Newspaper clippings ... 3
Paintings (water color) . 1
Photographs ..... 133
Photostats ..... 5
Plaster casts ..... 3
Plaster plaque ..... 1
Post cards (colored) ... 4
Prints (colored) ..... 1
Sketches ..... 1
Specimens ..... [[underlined]] 1,991 [[/underlined]]
TOTAL ..... 2,152

[[underlined]] JAMES B. FORD LIBRARY [[/underlined]]

The accessions from April 1, 1941 to March 31, 1942 are as follows: 

Books   Purchase 83
Gift [[underlined]] 49 [[/underlined]]  132

Pamphlets  Purchase 81
Gift [[underlined]] 228 [[/underlined]]  309

Serials 1,008
Maps and Charts  Purchase 8
Gift [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]] 9

Clippings ..... 125
Magazines ..... 2
Typescripts ..... 7
Photographic prints ..... 2
Blueprints ..... 1
Colored prints ..... 24
Photostats ..... 13
Membership subscriptions ..... 20
Miscellaneous - Christmas cards, etc. [[underlined]] 19 [[/underlined]]
TOTAL ..... 1,671

There have been 86 readers during the year.
Thirty typed bibliographies of varying lengths have been sent to inquirers through the year.
The library carried 20 paid membership in various societies for their publications.

There were 2 new serial issues added during the year. Since January 1, 1942 we have bound or in binding process 206 volumes of serials, 29 books and 1 folio atlas of plates.
Additionally 14 of our rarer books have been repaired and protected with dust cases.