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Courtright, Mrs. E. L.
Cranbrook Institute of Science
Davis, Edward H.
Delano, Gerard Curtis
Dunbar, Mrs. Henry F.
Emerson, Mrs. Edward
Escuela Nacional de Antropologia
Everitt, Charles P.
Fennander, Walter V.
Fenton, Dr. William N.
Ferguson, Henry L.
Fogg, Mrs. Agnes
Freeman, Mrs. Ethel Cutler
Fulton, William Shirley
Goggin, John M.
Good, Orrin S.
Goodrich, B. F. Company
Gothenburg Ethnological Museum
Haynes, Miss Caroline C.
Heye, George G.
Hispanic Society of America
Horner, Lewis
Hortulus Club of Greenwich, Connecticut
Hunt, Dr. Arthur Billings
Huntington, Archer M.
Huntington, Henry E. Library and Art Gallery
Indiana Historical Society
Insurance Company of North America
Jijon y Caamano, J.
Kenny, Hon. Robert W.
Keppler, Joseph
Klein, Mrs. Anafred
Kommissioners am Gronland
Laboratory of Anthropology
Launer, Philip J.
Leiva, Leonardo
Macauley, Mrs. G. H.
Mecorney, Miss Florence
Miller, Kenneth C.
Moller, J. A. L.
National Museum, Copenhagen
New York Historical Society
Oetteking, Dr. Bruno
Omwake, H. Geiger
Paalen, Wolfgang
Penn Mutual Insurance Company
Philbrook Art Center
Posnansky, Dr. Arthur
Post, Miss A. M.
Quinby, Mrs. Henry C.
Rouland, Estate of Orlando
Ryder, Forrest Van Loon
Sainz, Donald
Smith, Carlyle S.