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September 12, 1950

Dear Epie:

I have been wondering why I did not hear from you, for I wrote you about the 20th of June, and may have sent the letter to your old address. You certainly have been having a strenuous time of it, and I am glad you had a good visit with Hardy's mother. It really seems impossible that the baby is five years old, but time certainly has a way of skipping along very fast.

If I were you, I would not feel discouraged at all at Meredith leaving the hospital training. Because it does not appeal to her, that is no reason why she cannot make a success of doing something else. There is no use in her wasting her time doing something she cannot make good at.

I am sorry to hear Hardy won't get to New York, because I really very much would like to see him. It will be ideal for you both if he is not called for the draft, but I believe that officers of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel are fairly scare, and it is possible that he may be taken.

I promise you that, if I get anywhere near Indianapolis this fall, I will stop in and visit you.

Mrs. E Hardy Adriance
5953 Rosslyn Avenue
Indianapolis Indiana