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February 16, 1954.

Dear Epie:

I have just received your letter of February 11th. I wrote you a couple of weeks ago to find out how you were getting along at the hospital. The letter has not been returned here and you, evidently, did not receive it.

Am so glad to know that you came through the operation in such good shape and that you are feeling better now. Am sure that getting back to your home will do you more good than all the hospitals in the world. Do obey the doctor's orders and have a good rest. I join you in thanking God that no malignancy showed up.

As you know, my hat has always been off to Hardey and it continues so. He is such a wonderful man and I am delighted to know that promotion, which he has certainly deserved, came to him at this time. You are perfectly right in trying to keep the pressure off of him.. He has enough to do now. I really and sincerely hope that some time his work will bring him to the city here, when I shall have the pleasure of seeing him again. And I am sure too that Eddie is a great help to you in recovering fully your usual good health.

Glad to say that I am feeling perfectly well except for my bad knee which will never be right again, but, as long as I can get about, even slowly, I do not care. Time and I are no longer friends.

When you feel like it, do drop me a line for you know I always like to hear from you.

With much love,

Mrs. E. Hardey Adriance,
5953 Rosslyn Avenue,
Indianapolis, Indiana