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1517 Fifth Avenue, Seattle I, Washington
[[image - drawing of the state of Alaska with a black seal]]

July 13, 1949

Mr. George Heye
Museum of the American Indian
155th at Broadway
New York, New York

Dear Mr. Heye:

We have just come into possession of a very unique piece in which I thought you might be interested, or at least, I felt I should be remiss in not telling you about it.

It is a Chilkat Chief's ceremonial robe, about one hundred years old, originally owned by the famous Chief Donnawaak of Haynes, Alaska.

As you will note from the print which I am inclosing, it is fully covered with Chilkat symbols. The coat is cardinal red, and the figures are in white, blue and yellow beads.

The garment is 49 inches long, made of fine English felt cloth such as originally used in British Officers' uniforms of that period, and is in good condition. The border on the bottom is 7 inches deep and purple in color, as are the cuffs and the epaulets on the shoulders.

If it sounds interesting to you and you would like to see it, I would be very glad to ship it for your inspection.

With kindest personal regards from all of us, believe me to be


Max A. Silver