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tant. Lt F.W. Smith, to attend to the wants of that station as far as our scanty supply of medicine would allow. Copies of the order appointing him with the approval of Capt Ennis and of orders ^[[insertion]] to H.S. Caldwell [[/insertion]] relating to transmission of medical stores from Grantley Harbor to make good our deficiencies are enclosed- (A. B.) Capt K. proceeded to Nulato and during the interval Mr. Francis and my self were engaged in pushing his supplies on dog sleds from Iktiqalik to Ulukuk. The next trip I proceeded to Nulato where I arrived [[end page]] [[start page]] soon after my arrival A favorable opportunity occurred and taking an Indian, sled, and dog I went to the locality where coal was reported and camped out during one night cleared away the snow from the cropping and thoroughly examind it I regret to have to report that though the coal is of good quality (a free burning bituminous, not caking.) It is a mere patch of a few yards in extent on the extreme spur of the bluff, all the rest having been denuded-