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Get at Fort Youkon

[[strikeout]] Beads[[/strikeout]]-
[[checkmark]] Soap-
[[checkmark]] Moose skin -2.
[[strikeout]] Plates[[/strikeout]]-
[[checkmark]] Moccasins-18 pair.
[[checkmark]] Russamorga for parkies 2 
[[strikeout]]wolfskin for do[[/strikeout]]
[[checkmark]]Verbiche for snowshoes
[[strikeout]] If possible a pair of do-Pemmican
Indian knife[[/strikeout]]
Bucksin shirts tc (1.)
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[[underlined]]Sunday May 26th. 1867.[[/underlined]]
Morning. Raining hard and very chilly. Fit out Dyor antoshka and Atoshka in their bidark for their voyage down the Youkon to Romanzoff and round the mouths of the Kwithpak to the Redoubt they stan-about 7.15. All deeply loaded. The Russians get their large vidorra loaded, taking a boy of flour and one of biscuit for us. We had our little bidurra and Mikaisthka and Hoeytotantinones brother whom we will call Tom, as his name is perfectly ungodly in sound + length and Kurilla Why super theyself get ready having Pickett + his woman to occupy our shanty. Nu P. corralled a spoon to our disadvantage and also a kettle which we needed badly
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