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Occobamba Pass

1 White spur winged Goose
2 Gray Teal
3 Seed Snipe
4 Long legged Gray Kingbird
5 Black Goldfinch
6 [[strikethrough]] Slender-billed slaty [[/strikethrough]] [[in pencil]] Gray breasted [[/in pencil]] Finch
7. Orange headed Ibis
8. White-tailed Flycatcher
9. Long curved billed Wren
10. Red naped Flicker

     - Mams - (short for mammals)

1. Viscaccia 
2. Oxymycterus
3. Abodon - yellow
4. Ripidomys -
5. Phyllotis - long-tailed
6. Red nosed rat
7. [[strikethrough]] Oxyzonys [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Ripidomys - short-tailed