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travellers, fan, [[strikethrough]] etc [[/strikethrough]] coco etc.  Almost all tropical fruits were growing in the garden; bananas, cocoa, ginger, nutmeg, coco-nuts, cotton, coffee, figs.  Another common African tree was the Acci with red pendulant fruit which is edible.  [[Logi?]] wood was a common bush everywhere in fields.  Acacias like trees were common in gardens.  Coco palms & a ^[[large]] green century plant was common on the hillside in a wild state.  The island is everywhere covered by bushes & small forest trees, the grassy spaces being few.  Everything is verdant & humid.  We returned to the steamer at 5 PM. & sailed out of the harbor at 6:30 at dusk.  In the harbor I saw only a few frigate birds.  About the town were many black vultures, warblers, & anis.

9 Weather warm sea smooth

10: Arrived at Colon at 1 P.M. Sea smooth, sky overcast.  Took rooms at the Hotel