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[[image - group photograph]] 

[[note]] Israel [[/note]]

[[image - photograph of J.McL]] 

[[note]] Ned Wright [[/note]]
[[note]] Köln, Germany 
During recording session[[/note]]

[[image - photograph of J. McL]]  

[[/note] England 1953, Jan. [[/note]]

[[image - ensemble photograph]]  


[[image - photograph with J.McL in foreground]]  

[[note]] L. to R. First row:
George Royston, tenor
Ray Yates (Southernaires tenor}

Second row:
Joseph Attles, tenor & dancer
played Sportin' Life & Crab Man

In the 70's played Checkers in "Bubblin' Brown Sugar" [[/note]]

Transcription Notes:
This project has been reopened for a thorough review. Please take time to review each element of the page carefully before submitting. Best practice is to include a double return between each individual clipping and to use double brackets to indicate the type ( [[newspaper clipping]], [[postcard]], [[plane ticket]], etc.) See "About the Project" for more information.