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[[invoice]] GERD HERRMANN-MODELLE FILM-UND THEATERAUSSTATTUNGEN BERLIN-DAHLEM - WILDPFAD26 - 89 14 21 Joy Mc Lean 28. Mai 1956 RECHNUNG S DM. 1 Emsampl. schwz. Samt 3 Teile 70,-/290,-- 1 Kleid, blau Jyrse 70,-/290,-- 1 Cochtailkleid reine Seide 80,-/340,-- 220,-/920,-- erhalten: [[strikethrough]] Stuttgard DM. 100,-- Hamburg DM. 100,-- Dusseldorf DM. 90,-- Bruxell Dm. [[/strikethrough]] rest $95,- Salon Gerd Herrmann Berlin-Dahlem Wildpfad 26 Tel. 89 14 21 BANKKONTO: / 955 202 BERLINER BANK AG. u. ALLE DEPOSITENKASSEN POSTSCHECKKONTO BERLIN WEST NR [[/invoice]] [[invitation]] The Ambassador of the United States of America and Mrs Bohlen request the pleasure of the company of Miss Joy M. McLean at a reception on Tuesday, January 10th at 23.00 o'clock [[strikethrough]] R.S.V.P.[[/strikethrough]] Informal [[/invitation]] [[Owner's manual]] [[image: superimposed on a musical staff, "Akkord KOFFERRADIO"; underneath staff, "sind tonangebend"]] "Pinguette" [[Image: a small portable radio]] Koffersuper für Batterie- und Wechselstrom–Netzbetrieb Betriebsanleitung [[/operating manual]] [[back side of printed invoice]] [[Image: photo of the cast of Porgy and Bess, an evening sing-song around a grand piano]] [[note]] The Ambassador is playing the piano while Irving Barnes sing "Wien, Wien" Somewhere [[/note]] [[note]] Dora Stratou, Greek Minister of Dance, the American attaché Helen Thigpen, (Serena) Leslie Scott, (Porgy) [[Image: photo of two women and two men in dresses and suits, smiling, laughing, and holding beverage glasses]]
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