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[[Moscow train ticket]] [[note]] Joy McLean [[/note]] [[strikethrough]] КОНТРОЛЬНЫЙ ТАЛОН [[/strikethrough]] ПОЕЗД No 19 Отправление 1. ч. 40 м. Ст. ЯНВ 1956 Москва ВАГОН 3 МЕСТО 29 К билегу No [[blank]] СПАЛЬНОЕ МЕСТО В МЯГКОМ ВАГОНЕ [[/Moscow train ticket]] [[opera program]] ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ О Р Д Е Н А Л Е Н И Н А АКАДЕМИЧЕСКИЙ БОЛЬШОЙ ТЕАТР СОЮЗА ССР [[image: line drawing of Bolshoi Theatre]] РОМЕО и ДЖУЉЕТТА Москва 1956 г. [[/opera program]] [[card]] >>Bohemia-Moser<< Show-Rooms and Sales-Offices of Bohemian Crystal-Glass and Porcelain PRAHA II, PŘÍKOPY 12 PHONE 22 18 51 [[/card]] [[envelope]] Air Mail [[stamp]] ЕЖДУНАРОАН [[/stamp]] [[postmark]] NEW YORK 7, N.Y. DEC 2 430PM 1955 [[/postmark]] [[cancellation]] SHOP AND MAIL EARLY [[line drawing: Santa with sack of presents and postal carrier with sack[[/line drawing]] [[/cancellation]] [[postage]] AIR MAIL [[picture: New York City cityscape with Statue of Liberty on left, buildings and harbor in background, with mail propeller cargo plane in foreground]] 15¢ UNITED STATES POSTAGE [[/postage]] Mrs Joy McLean c/o Porgy & Bess Stanislawsky Theatre —Moscow Russia D. Аегешк2раѕ. ашер. труnnе "76 рччеч оnере" "Nорш ч Ьеее" [[stamp]]МЕЖДУНАРОАНПЕ[[/stamp]] Room 126 [[/envelope]] [[Theatre handbill]] [[box made of one line inside another – "PORGY and BESS –" repeating over and over around the edge of the printed words]] [[printing in Arabic]] عـړٗ ر[[?]] ح[[?]]ڢ دار [[/printing in Arabic]] Théâtre MOHAMED ALY Les 31 DÉCEMBRE 1954 et ler JANVIER 1955 Soirée à 9 h. 30 Matinée a 5 h. 30 Sous le Patronage de l'AMERICAN NATIONAL THEATRE & ACADEMY présente: LA PRODUCTION DE Blevins DAVIS et Robert BREEN PORGY ★ ★ and BESS OPERA de George GERSHWIN DuBose HEYWARD Dorothy HEYWARD et Ira GERSHWIN Mise en scene de ROBERT BREEN 75 Artistes - 35 Musiciens UN DES PLUS COUTEUX SPECTACLES DU MONDE Location Ouverte [[/box]]
Transcription Notes:
Need secondary review on envelope. Reading cursive Cyrillic is not my strong suit!
Arabic transcription needs proofreading--best guess
Use extreme caution with Cyrillic characters. Some characters look like Latin character counterparts, but always use the Cyrillic version.
This project has been reopened for a thorough review. Please take time to review each element of the page carefully before submitting. Best practice is to include a double return between each individual clipping and to use double brackets to indicate the type ( [[newspaper clipping]], [[postcard]], [[plane ticket]], etc.) See "About the Project" for more information.